Long before the rehearsal process for a show begins, hours and hours of work have been put into the production already. Marketing materials are developed, designers have made renderings and plans, and the stage manager has drawn up breakdowns, run sheets, and complex schedules to make the show run like clockwork.
Scenic designers go through a process of developing a scale model of what a set will look like in the theatre, with set pieces made in precise miniature of what the final, life-size items will look like. As a part of that process, many designers photograph this model with the set pieces in their proper position for every scene of the production.
TRIANGLE Set Model, Pre-Show; Design by Adam Koch
Because TRIANGLE is set in two different time periods hundreds of years apart, it was a particular challenge for set designer and Lyric favorite Adam Koch. Developing a set that could easily change eras and settings from a 1911 synagogue to a 2011 science lab is no small feat! In his model photos, we get to take a peek at what it will look like in our Plaza Theatre when TRIANGLE opens on March 26th.
TRIANGLE Set Model, Act II, Scene 14; Design by Adam Koch
TRIANGLE Set Model, Act II, Scene 15; Design by Adam Koch
TRIANGLE Set Model, Act I, Scene 3; Design by Adam Koch
TRIANGLE Set Model, Act I, Scene 2; Design by Adam Koch
His work is stunning, no? See how it looks in person by attending TRIANGLE at Lyric’s Plaza Theatre. You can find more information here.
See you at the show!