Imagine, if you will, a world without our individual donors. Our productions would decrease from this:
To this:
While this is an over exaggeration, Lyric Theatre of Oklahoma not only relies on our ticket sales to support our work. We also rely on the help of our generous donors and sponsors. Our Development department informed me that only 57% of our income comes from money we earn through season tickets, set rentals, and other miscellaneous programs. The other 43% is contributed by our sponsors, grants, and our generous individual donors.
Lyric has survived 50 years because of donors like you, and companies across the state who believe in our mission: to produce quality professional theatre; to encourage and educate talented individuals; to promote collaboration among the arts; and to enrich the quality of life for the people of Oklahoma. Lyric is proud to be Oklahoma’s leading professional theatre, and I’m proud to have the opportunity to work for this organization. On a personal level, thank you for supporting the arts and my passion. Thank you for supporting Lyric in its past fifty years- if we continue to have your support, I know we’ll have at least fifty more.