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“Hi! My name is Rachael. I’m the Group and Community Engagement Coordinator here at Lyric Theatre of Oklahoma.”

Usually when I say this, I get a polite, yet slightly confused look from people.  I know what they’re thinking…”What does she do?”  Simply put – I figure out ways to get large groups of people into our seats.  I am constantly trying to see things from the perspective of someone who is interested in Lyric, but hasn’t yet experienced us. My job relies heavily upon meeting new people, building relationships, and collaborating with my colleagues and the community.

So what does a typical day look like for me?  I put my PR and Marketing degree to use and created this infographic to explain.

Rachael's Daily Schedule

Rachael’s Daily Schedule

Have a group who would love to see one or more of our shows? Allow me to help you host; email me at!