As of this very writing, we are 72 days, 4 hours, and a handful of minutes away from the orchestra playing the first chords of LES MISERABLES at the Civic Center Music Hall. It is going to be one of the biggest shows Lyric has ever produced. There are over 40 members of the cast, and a large choir as well. The costume shop estimates that they’ll be producing over 400 costumes for this show alone!
We knew the set would have to be large, grand, and sensation for this show. Michael Baron, Lyric’s artistic director and director of LES MISERABLES, asked Michael Raiford to meet the challenge. Michael designed the set for our production of SPRING AWAKENING back in 2012, and we were excited to work with him again! Our technicians have already begun working on building the set, but we have a really good idea of what it will look like by looking at the set renderings produced by Michael. Take a look at this animation of several of the set “looks”.
Doesn’t it look spectacular? We’re really excited, and hope you are too!