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It seems like everywhere I look these days, I see a new list-style blog, with titles like “The 24 Weirdest Things Ever Seen On The London Underground” or “The 17 Funniest Dog Pranks”. TRIANGLE is consuming many of my thoughts, and I couldn’t help but compose my own top list of why you should not miss the limited engagement of TRIANGLE: A NEW MUSICAL . And, it’s even illustrated with photos!

1)      It’s a new work fully produced for the first time right here in Oklahoma. TRIANGLE has gone through a series of readings and workshops, but the show has never had costumes, sets, or lighting. The actors have always had music stands right in front of them. Not here- for the first time, you can see the show as the authors intend for it to be done.

The cast of TRIANGLE. Photo by KO Rinearson.

2)      To quote Rick Rogers from The Oklahoman, “It’s hard to imagine a stronger, more capable cast than that assembled here.” Read more from his review here.

The cast of TRIANGLE. Photo by KO Rinearson.

3)    What other musical incorporates the retrosynthetic analysis of haplophytine?

4)      Thomas Mizer and Curtis Moore, two of the three writers of TRIANGLE, have been with us through the entire rehearsal process. They worked extensively with Michael Baron before they arrived in Oklahoma, and they’ve made tweaks and changes to the show since they arrived.

Curtis Moore and Thomas Mizer. Photo by KO Rinearson.

5)      The set looks awesome.

Adam Halpin in TRIANGLE. Photo by KO Rinearson.

6)      Speaking from personal experience, you’ll come out singing some of the songs. Don’t believe me? Take a listen to a sample from “Nine Floors Up”.

7)      This show has been evolving throughout the rehearsal process. To illustrate this, lookat director Michael Baron’s script. Originally, it was filled with white pages. As changes were made, colored pages were added to denote the number of changes made. Now look at it! Most of the time, changes are forbidden by the rights company, but during the reheasal process for a new work, a show is tweaked and fine-tuned.

8)    You can enjoy a talkback with Michael Baron and other invited guests after every show. Find out more about that here

Convinced yet? Tickets are still availalbe for all performances- purchase them here. Tell us your top reasons to see the show via a comment, Tweet, or Facebook post- we’d love to chat with you.